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Cops - Season 14 Episode 27
(Tampa, FL - 1:55 AM Burglary in Progress) District 2 - Officer David Dennison says his dad was a cop for 29 years, still is and he worked graveyard too and he always wanted to follow in his footsteps. He is dispatched to investigate a burglary-in-progress at a local warehouse filled with expensive merchandise. In San Bernardino, CA, Officers Alcala and Arca search for a 77-year-old suspect who kicked in the door of a residence and threatened the occupants with a large knife. In Fort Worth, TX, Officers Tate and Eddleman stop a driver operating a car with an expired registration and, upon searching the vehicle discover a shotgun, drugs and more. #1427. 2/23/02
Episode Title: Coast to Coast 18
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 1989
Episode: 197/742