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Cops - Season 14 Episode 14
(Chattanooga, TN - 2:01 AM Man with a Gun) Fox Station - Officer Jonathan Chambers says whatever happens at work stays at work. He talks to his wife briefly and gives her the highlights because she's interested in what happens and leaves it at that, otherwise it'll drive him crazy. He responds to a man-with-a-gun call, and later apprehends a suspect who attempted to sell stolen property. In Des Moines, IA, Officers Morgan and Helle question two brothers who were involved in a fistfight. In Atlanta, GA, Officer Cotter interviews a woman who claims that her boyfriend allegedly punched her in the mouth while she was walking down the street. #1414. 9/29/01
Episode Title: Coast to Coast 5
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 1989
Episode: 184/742