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Cops - Season 1 Episode 2
(Victory Celebration) Sheriff Nick Navarro gives a re-election speech while the Rocky Theme plays. He wants to make the county a better place. Trojan Horse Briefing. Cops cut cardboard to make a big box to hide inside the back of an an El Camino. Sgt. Robert Deak says the dogs will jump out and get them, can fill the truck up with drug buys. Dealers learn what the tactics are - never sell to a van or car with two people in it so they have to come up with new ideas. A black guy comes up and sells a rock for $10 and wants to sell another $10. They jump out of the box and get him. They go to a second stop and grab another black dealer. The driver jokingly wants them to let him know if the box falls off. Sgt. says it's exciting going after dope. One day they get the dealers, the next the users. Different every day. It is now night time. The dealer runs and they chase him, tackle him and cuff him/He thinks it makes you in touch with the community by stopping them from selling crack to kids. Deputy Willie Washington says the biggest lie is someone driving through a drug area saying they are lost. They stop a driver who says just that. He made a wrong turn off the freeway. He says he's heard lots of stories about District 2 - lots of violence and shootings. He didn't want to work there, was scared, but now likes it because of the people, they are great. The Lt. stops a car. The woman says she was looking for the ocean. They find drugs in the car - a cocaine rock. She says it isn't hers, she just wanted to go home. They ask how it got there. She says a guy she stopped for directions must have thrown it in there. Then asks if they planted it. They cuff her and put her in the back of a car. She wants the cuffs off. The Lt. says to calm down. She won't. He says she is going to the station and is going to be booked. If she didn't do it, tell the judge and if he believes it she'll be free. He reads her rights from a card. She can't believe he has a card. At the station they book her. He is really nice to her about it. She says again and again she can't believe there was a rock in the car and is totally embarrassed. Deputy Linda Canada is doing paperwork in a diner with her fiancé Deputy Jerry Wurms. They kiss. (11:31 PM 911 Call) She leaves to a call of a mother Nancy and her daughter who want her boyfriend not to come back. The daughter cries and says she doesn't want him back. There is also a 22 month old running around. He comes back and the daughter screams. She wants to go to a hospital because she doesn't want to stay there since she is scared of him and is only 7 years old. He is arrested and wants the girlfriend to call his mom. Linda talks to the 7 year old and says he got drunk and almost hit her. She wants him to stay in jail first for 2 nights, then 4 nights, 10 nights - forever since she is scared of him. They give him a trespass warning, he can't come back again. She says he is a good man when he isn't on drugs, cocaine or whatever. Linda says she needs to make up her mind, but will take the children if she doesn't provide a safe environment for them. Linda leaves and the girl wants to go with her. She promises to come back tonight and tomorrow. Linda wants to take her out of the house, but most likely he'll be back tomorrow since he is the breadwinner and she is scared to be alone in the bad neighborhood and the girl will want him out again.
Episode Title: Broward County, FL 2
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 1989
Episode: 721/742