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Cops - Season 14 Episode 23
(Fort Worth, TX - 11:02 PM Roll Call) East Division - Sgt. Phillip South talks about a string of home invasion where 4-5 black males hit Vietnamese residences between 10p - 1am, no description of people or vehicles. There MO is to kick in the front door, 4 go in and 1 looks out. They take TVs, VCRs and cash. In Fort Worth, Texas, Officer Jacoby helps apprehend the driver of a stolen vehicle and, upon searching the suspect, recovers several distinct tools associated with professional car thieves. In Des Moines, IA, Officer Cornwell stops a suspect for a routine traffic violation and finds a biohazard container filled with syringes and methampehtamine inside his van. In Chattanooga, TN, the Street Crimes Unit arrests several suspected drug dealers during a buy-bust operation. #1423. 2/9/02
Episode Title: Coast to Coast 14
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 1989
Episode: 193/742