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Cops - Season 14 Episode 21
(Fort Worth, TX - 9:26 PM Stolen Vehicle) East Division - Officer Chris Leary says the most common misconception about police is they're not human beings and have no feelings and no respect for people. They might have had bad dealings with the police and don't realize they are just like them and put their pants on one leg at a time. He instructs the driver of a stolen vehicle to pull off the road, but when the suspect complies, he and a passenger flee into a residential area. In Des Moines, IA, Officer Frentess stops the driver of a speeding vehicle and although the suspect first claims he had not been drinking, he later admits having consumed two beers and claims he did not know how fast he had been driving. In Chattanooga, TN, Officer Miller responds to an attempted robbery at a local residence. #1421. 1/12/02
Episode Title: Coast to Coast 12
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 1989
Episode: 191/742