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My Wife and Kids - Season 4 Episode 5
Vanessa's parents come over the Kyles house to discuss the future baby's situation. Michael is outraged with the demands from the Scotts, but Calvin's size makes Michael think twice before taking any drastic measures. They take the Scotts out for dinner and are left with the bill. Realizing they have a couple of con artists on their hands, Michael and Jay stand up for themselves and set the baby's true needs – which don't include a new house for the Scotts as Calvin wanted.
Jennifer Freeman,Damon Wayans,Brooklyn Sudano,Tisha Campbell-Martin,Parker McKenna Posey,Noah Gray-Cabey,George Gore II,Andrew McFarlane,George O. Gore II
Don Reo,Damon Wayans
Episode Title: Meet the Parents
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 2001
Episode: 72/123