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My Wife and Kids - Season 4 Episode 4
Jay decides to go to college and get her psychology degree, which Michael fully reprehends her for. He doesn't want her to put the household in second because it would jeopardize the entire family and eventually could ruin their marriage. After going to a real psychologist, Michael and Jay come to terms and she agrees to scale back her classes as he decides to let her pursue her dream. Meanwhile, Junior's friends turn his old crib into some sort of vehicle.
Jennifer Freeman,Damon Wayans,Brooklyn Sudano,Tisha Campbell-Martin,Parker McKenna Posey,Noah Gray-Cabey,George Gore II,Andrew McFarlane,George O. Gore II
Don Reo,Damon Wayans
Episode Title: Jay Goes to School
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 2001
Episode: 71/123