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My Wife and Kids - Season 3 Episode 17
As a very impressed Michael sees it, his son's girlfriend, Vanessa is an absolute prize: ""She's beautiful, smart, personable and polite... you guys have nothing in common,"" he tells Jr. But there's something about her that rubs Jay the wrong way. Elsewhere in the courtship department, Kady's similarly smart and personable gentleman caller is a budding piano prodigy named Franklin. As for Claire, all she's courting is a severe case of nerves: the PSATs are coming up and her face has broken out in hives.
Jennifer Freeman,Damon Wayans,Brooklyn Sudano,Tisha Campbell-Martin,Parker McKenna Posey,Noah Gray-Cabey,George Gore II,Andrew McFarlane,George O. Gore II
Don Reo,Damon Wayans
Episode Title: Jr's Risky Business (1)
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 2001
Episode: 57/123