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My Wife and Kids - Season 2 Episode 19
Michael's parents come to visit him, but Michael is worried about the way they treat each other and how that is reflecting on his own children. After a disastrous attempt to fix things, Michael and Jay finally decide to let things the way they were. Meanwhile, Jay and Michael worry about Jr.'s rush to have sex and his new girlfriend.
Note: This episode was originally intended to air in season one, but for unknown reasons, ABC pulled back to season 2 Episode 19. Which is why Jazz Raycole portrays Claire, making this episode her very final appearance in the series
Jennifer Freeman,Damon Wayans,Brooklyn Sudano,Tisha Campbell-Martin,Parker McKenna Posey,Noah Gray-Cabey,George Gore II,Andrew McFarlane,George O. Gore II
Don Reo,Damon Wayans
Episode Title: Failure to Communicate
Quality: HD
Duration: 30 min
Release: 2001
Episode: 30/123