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Ghost Hunters - Season 7 Episode 2
TAPS investigates the outrageously spooky Penhurst State School and Hospital in Philadelphia.
Penhurst was forcibly closed in 1986 due to maltreatment of patients: people were actually rotting in cages! There’s good reason to for any ghosts of Penhurst to be angry or sad. The building had been built to house around 600 patients, but at the time of its closing was jam-packed with nearly 3,000 individuals who suffered greatly in this facility. Here are the paranormal claims: people being pushed, shadows, a glowing apparition, violent banging and dragging noises. Naturally, there are underground tunnels connecting the buildings, and lots of visuals of ghosts, half torsos of men, doors slamming and voices.
Episode Title: Pennsylvania Asylum
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2004
Episode: 136/261