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Ghost Hunters - Season 1 Episode 1
We are introduced to Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, co-founders and lead investigators for The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS). Their Technical Manager, Brian Harnois, tells them of an interesting case. The home they are to investigate is in Altoona, PA which is several hours away, but because of the dramatic nature of the case they decide to make the long drive.
They investigate reports of poltergeist activity in a home with a very young girl who seems to see the spirits. After uncovering some dramatic Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) they return to the site and inform Brenda, the girl's mother, of their findings.
Due to the long distance traveled, they decide to investigate two other sites while they are in the area. That investigation is continued in the next episode.
Episode Title: Altoona, PA (1)
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2004
Episode: 1/261