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Gangsters: America's Most Evil - Season 2 Episode 8
Mills found his calling as the leader of the white supremacist prison gang the Aryan Brotherhood. Over the course of almost two decades, federal prosecutors say Mills is responsible for at least 14 murders even though he has been in prison most of his life. In 1997, Mills and his right hand-man, Tyler Bingham, ordered their members to carry out a race war against rival prison gang, the D.C. Blacks. Immediately after the war, A.B. high-ranking member, Al Benton, provided the big break in the case when he left the A.B. behind and cooperated with the federal government. Armed with plenty of informants, prosecutors had the tools they needed to charge Mills and 39 others in one of the largest capital punishment cases in U.S. history.
Episode Title: The Baron of Brotherhood: Barry Mills
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2012
Episode: 17/19