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Gangsters: America's Most Evil - Season 1 Episode 9
This episode explores the cases of three Lethal Beauties: Rosalie Garcia, Sandra Beltran, and Beatriz Henao. Garcia, AKA "Shorty," was the head of a deadly heroin ring in the Bronx throughout the 1990's. Henao, a Colombian national, led an ecstasy drug ring out of the Netherlands before moving into the cocaine trade. Sandra Avila Beltran was a Mexican drug cartel leader who took over a crucial role in the smuggling of cocaine from Colombia, through Mexico and into the U.S. Extradited in 2012, The Queen of the Pacific now faces drug trafficking charges in Miami.
Episode Title: Lethal Beauties: Beltran, Henao, & Garcia
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2012
Episode: 9/19