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Zone Blanche - Season 1 Episode 3
An amateur caver emerges traumatised from a labyrinth of subterranean grottos where he says he lost his friend. Laurene tries to unravel fact from fiction in his witness statement before contemplating a perilous descent. At the same time, Cora thinks that the Mayor's daughter has been kidnapped by a mysterious group of activists who are leaving their marks on the walls of Villefranche.
Tiphaine Daviot,Thomas Doret,Brigitte Sy,Naidra Ayadi,Anne Suarez,Suliane Brahim,Laurent Capelluto,Samuel Jouy,Renaud Rutten,Olivier Bonjour,Dan Herzberg,Hubert Delattre,Camille Aguilar,Théo Costa Marini,Samir Boitard,Cyrielle Debreuil
Episode Title: Episode 3
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2017
Episode: 3/8