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Port Protection - Season 1 Episode 2
Winter’s end is approaching and the change of season brings new opportunities while closing the door on others. Sam has heard from other fishermen that halibut have been caught nearby. After months of living off of frozen food, he’s eager to catch some of the savory fish. Meanwhile trapping season is coming to a close and that means Gary is losing one of his main sources of income. He sets out for one last trapping trip in an effort to get enough fur to help meet his expenses for the year. Curly gets word that a massive tree is threatening a local house, and Mary sets out on the inexhaustible hunt for firewood.
Jeffrey Johnson,Timothy 'Curly' Leach,Sam Carlson,Gary Muehlberger,Hans Porter,Timbi Porter,Mary Miller,Stuart Andrews,Amanda Makar
Episode Title: The Axeman Cometh
Quality: HD
Duration: 60 min
Release: 2015
Episode: 2/32