Packed to the Rafters - Season 1 Episode 20

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Packed to the Rafters - Season 1 Episode 20

"Once upon a time in Dave's Magic Castle." All should be well in the world of King Dave, but with Queen Julie heading into menopause, the Rafter household is a bit tumultuous. Julie fears that her ability to dispense sound wisdom to family and friends, is severly impeeded by her hormonal fluctuations. Sammy returns from New York with many more bags than she left with, and Julie fears that Sammy's spending may cause problems between her and Nathan. Sammy then advises Julie that the money she has spent on gifts for the family, came from her mother as an early birthday present. Once again Julie worries! Meanwhile, Ben makes up his mind to declare his love for Melissa on national television, and comic results ensue. Life is always full when it is "Packed to the Rafters".

Season 6

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Season 5

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Season 4

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Season 3

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Season 2

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Season 1

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