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Courage the Cowardly Dog - Season 4 Episode 5
Muriel gets a telegram, from her uncle Agnes,saying that all of her relatives died that knew a kilt pattern. Muriel is the only family member left who knows how to make it. He wants her to come to Scotland and make a kilt for him.Eustace refuses to go to Scotland, because he hates Scotland. Muriel and Courage go over to Scotland to help him. He takes them to a castle and tells Muriel to make a couple thousand kilts for his factory. She says no. Uncle Agnes suddenly admits he is not her uncle, then warns her he'll make her into a pie if she doesn't listen. Courage overhears a conversation of ""Agnes"" and his mother.He kicked her out for saying his real name to many times.Courage then plays a game of charades with Muriel in front of him so she will say his name. She figures it out and Rumplekiltskin (his real name) doesn't force her to make a couple thousand kilts.
Animation,Fantasy,Horror,Family,Comedy,Mystery,Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Chuck Montgomery,Mary Testa,Ron McLarty,Arthur Anderson,Peter Fernandez,Thea White,Marty Grabstein,Simon Prebble,Lionel G. Wilson,Billie Lou Watt,Paul Schoeffler,John Dilworth,Dennis Predovic
John Dilworth
Episode Title: Le Quack Balloon
Quality: HD
Duration: 11 min
Release: 1999
Episode: 44/52