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Bordertown - Season 1 Episode 3
The reverend of Bud’s megachurch asks Bud to lure Ernesto, the town’s biggest church donor, away from the local Mexican Catholic church, to help fill their coffers. Ernesto is seduced by the glitziness of the church, and the reverend schemes to bring over all the other Mexican residents by “Hispandering,” to Bud’s horror. Bud and Ernesto team up to restore the status quo, but their plan backfires.
Missi Pyle,Nicholas Gonzalez,Carlos Alazraqui,Judah Friedlander,Alex Borstein,Hank Azaria,John Viener,Jacqueline Pinol,Efren Ramirez,Stephanie Escajeda,Zach Villa,Chris Sheridan,Mark Hentemann,BJ Porter
Mark Hentemann
Episode Title: MegaChurch
Quality: HD
Duration: 25 min
Release: 2016
Episode: 3/13